I Am A Magdalene.
Before The Sophia Code came to my field a few years back, I knew nothing about Mary Magdalene as I didn’t grow up in religious setting. So I had no preconceptions of her at all!
So when I heard about her as a Keycode Ascended Master of the Divine Feminine in The Sophia Code cosmology and received the initiation to directly mentor with her, surprisingly she was the one that I felt the most familiar with among the 8 revealed keycode masters. I actually felt her as my beloved sister and ally. Her transmission resonated with every cell of my body and every layer of my being.
I actually remembered my soul has worked with her and Jesus in different configurations - both physical and non-physical forms and across various timelines. I have worked on Earth with them and have also supported them in the quantum as an angel. I was also part of the Order of Magdalena - an angelic order in embodied form on Earth. And in countless lifetimes, I have been initiates and priestesses of the lineages of the Rose 🌹
Owning that I’m an Angel on Earth hasn’t been easy because of all the conditionings to limit our true nature such as
“Who do you think you are?”
“That’s crazy”
“What? You an angel?”
“You are too intense”
Not to mention, most people around me don’t appreciate or understand - and it’s okay. Most importantly, it’s I know and own my truth.
As we ascend and evolve in consciousness, it is NORMAL to remember and embody our multidimensionality and divinity.
Lately my reality and my experience and perception with time are becoming more and more fluid. Sometimes it just feels so weird. Because the shifting in dimensions of the Earth herself and our collective, many people are also experiencing this. So grounding, anchoring, taking great care of our physical vessel as we are ascending with it, connecting with our Soul Tribe are vital.
I wish everyone graceful ascension! Share with us in the comment of what’s present with you.
Remember - we are sovereign creators of our worlds.
Love & blessings,