A Mysterious Note on My Desk

As our consciousness become more fluid and expanded, we experience time and realities differently. As collectively and individually we are ascending faster and faster, many like me might feel our timelines and realities becoming more blurred.

My ego was resisting it and hence the suffering. Because we humans have been conditioned to the need to feel safe and consistent. And we tend to derive safety from the external - jobs, money in the bank accounts, relationships, status, beliefs, possessions, directions in life, goals etc

But I have also been preparing to be in the zero-point of creation since last November if not earlier. So it has been 11 months coinciding with my spiritual travels and deep journeys across different ancient civilization lands.

During my ritual this morning, my higher self talked to my ego, “It’s just another ego-shattering. What’s the big deal? We have done it countless lifetimes. Let go”

I’m sharing this not because I have transcended the ego but just as an encouragement for my fellow voyagers to make comfortable with our transitions and constant refinement, have faith and stay open.

Back to the note 📝…


I have seen this note on my desk for days/a couple of weeks, and I have been trying to pinpoint when did I write it and where did I get this message from. It is certainly a beautiful message from my inner masculine/inner father to help me ground and stay on course in the wild winds of changes during this transition period.

I have a hazy feeling of “I” wrote it but it was another timeline of me. But mind you - we are switching timelines ALL THE TIME, but mostly we are not aware of it. The more conscious we become, the more lucid we can be in precisely crafting our realities and timelines while surrendering to the perfection of divine will ✨

God is Light

And this is us. And it’s all there is.

𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝒊𝒔 𝑳𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 ✨

Love & Blessings,


Merged with All-That-Is Returned


On making more aligned decisions