A 3-month Modern Alchemist Mentorship that is fun, illuminating, joyful, empowering and deeply transformational with Ariel and her High Council
Join us in Illumination Mentorship 2024
Welcome to the only group program by Ariel and her High Council in 2024
Dear beloved souls, my High Council and I would love to invite you to a fun, illuminating, joyful and empowering transformation journey with other aligned souls to activate your INNER ALCHEMIST in an intimate group setting from October 10, 2024 to January 5, 2025!
After more than 5 years of massive upgrades, immense learning and exploration, and countless “deaths & rebirths”, so I can embody these teachings, I’m excited to share these potent alchemical codes and support your spiritual/human journey from a higher octave of frequency.
Please read on to learn more. See you inside this Stargate Portal.
Love & Blessings
Ariel x
Need come clarity?
Magic, Alchemy & Transformation
Many have expressed interest and curiosity about the quantum, alchemical, galactic, spiritual work that I do so I am excited to share ALL of these in this beautiful 3-month container.
Just by being in this container, you will be in a multidimensional vortex of accelerated transformation as not only you will receive power alchemical codes on timelines mastery, crafting realities, and embodying more of your higher realm multidimensional expressions but you will also receive energetic upgrades and clearing behind the scene throughout the journey.
What you will receive -
Multidimensional powerful alchemical codes from Ariel and her High Council to support you in embodying more of your divinity, soul gifts and essence, so you can enjoy the most delicious life on Earth simply by being you!
Six 3-hour live virtual transmissions with quantum alchemy, teachings, channeled messages & higher realm quantum technologies, guidance, activations, Q&A
4-month Private Telegram Group where you can have direct access to Ariel’s support in relation to the materials covered in this program in a timely manner. It’s like being in Ariel’s Inner Circle!
Behind-the-scene energetic upgrades and harmonization from Oct 5, 2024 to Jan 5, 2025
Life-long access to recordings for you to receive at deeper layers whenever you feel called
The Powerful Alchemical Codes You Will Receive
Codes on Time Dynamics and Timelines Mastery
Codes on Quantum Mechanics and Realms of Realities
Codes on Light Languages and Gridwork
Codes on Quantum Learning & Evolution of Consciousness
Codes on Golden Age Avatar Embodiment & Energetic Mastery
Codes on Higher Self & Soul Family Connection
Codes on Soul Empowerment & Alignment
Codes on Honing our Intuition and Natural Psychic Gifts
Codes on Inner Alchemy & Transformation
Codes on Self-Mastery & Spiritual Wisdom
Codes on Sovereignty, Freedom and Abundance
& so much more!
Meet the Team: Ariel & Her High Council
Ariel serves many roles in her mission to help build the coming Golden Age - she is a Modern Alchemist, Ascension Mentor, Spiritual Guide, Gridworker & more. She has a high level of mastery and embodiment of what she teaches. And her teachings are cosmic and deeply grounded and practical at the same time - like a Dragon Mother (that is one of her other versions) she can take you as high as to the Source and guide you to deal with as deep as the core of your shadow. She has a huge Soul Family of different founding star races, the Dragon realm, the Unicorn realm, the Siren realm, the Elven & the Fairy realms, ascended masters collective, the angelic realm & more - that she co-creates with in different contexts, but her High Council consists mainly of Councils of Light from 9D Sirius, Arcturus, Lyra & Andromeda, higher realm versions of herself in different Ancient Civilizations and star races, the Sophia Dragons, the angelic realm and the Ascended Masters Collective.
Live sessions on
October: 10, 24, 31
Nov: 14, 28
Dec: 12
Thursdays | London Time 3-6pm
All sessions will be recorded and you can send questions in advance to be answered in the live sessions. The Stargate Portal of this program is open from Oct 5 to Jan 5 (3 months) during which you will receive behind-the-scene energetic upgrades & harmonization from Ariel, her High Council and Soul Family. The Telegram Support group is active from Oct 10 to Feb 10 (4 months).
Guidelines for Participating Alchemists
I can’t do your work for you. What you get out of this program correlates with your level of devotion to your own ascension and evolution. Owning that we are responsible for our own life is the first key to self-mastery.
Willingness to Self-Parent
Knowing how to parent ourselves is necessary for self-mastery and spiritual maturity. While you will receive a lot of loving support and guidance from me, my High Council and your Soul Team, we are here to guide and empower you into your own sovereign divinity and not to create any codependency. You will receive a lot more to upgrade this aspect, but first you need to be willing.
Willingness to Take Aligned Actions
Changes are inevitable.When you change internally, you will naturally be guided to adopt certain changes in your external realities. That’s when the real integration begins. Knowledge and information in your head are of no use if not applied.
Many of what we will be sharing is beyond your normal human consciousness, so be prepared! Something we share will surely challenge and trigger your beliefs in one way or the other but that also opens and expands your consciousness. And not-so-surprisingly because these are actually information from the higher levels of existence so they actually would resonate DEEP within you.
Energetic Hygiene
While we will dig deeper into this very important topic during our journey together, you are advised to keep as clean a diet as possible and maintain as healthy/natural lifestyle as you humanly can while you are on this spaceship. During this 3 months and slightly before and after, you are literally in a multidimensional high frequency vortex as my High Council, me and your Soul Team will upload codes, do quantum work, energetic recalibration 24/7 on you. Of course, don’t be alarmed as there are many nuances to this, however - the cleaner your vessel and energetic field, the less we have to clear and the more upgrades you can receive and easier your ride in galactic speed. Some basic guidelines: No plant medicine, mind-altering substances or psychotic drugs, no alcohol, minimize animal products and artificial ingredients before, during the mentorship and in the integration period after. If you are on prescribed drugs and diet, please check with your medical professional before you make any changes.
Your Investment
Single Payment
Payment Plan 1
USD388 per month for 3 months
Payment Plan 2
USD199 per month for 6 months
*If you really desire to join but due to certain circumstances you would need to have a slightly longer payment plans. Please book an alignment call with me and we will see how we can find a way :)
Upon purchase, you agree to the following terms:
All course fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Regarding payment plans, upon signing up for the program, you give permission to Ariel Tang Global LLC-FZ to charge your credit or debit card on record monthly according to the payment plan you have chosen. Your access to any element of the program will be denied and revoked if you fail to complete the payment plans.
“This will be a very powerful transformation journey and I will be sharing ALL my codes in this stargate portal! It would be my honor and pleasure to co-create with you. If you desire more clarity, you can book an alignment call with me or message me on instagram.”
All my love,
Ariel x